• Team of the dental practice Dr Goerens

Root Canals Therapy

Tooth decay, repeated dental procedures, large fillings, cracks, chips and trauma to the face can cause a tooth’s nerve and pulp to become irritated, inflamed or infected. If left untreated, the tissue surrounding the tooth will become infected and abscesses may form. If this happens, a root canal procedure may be necessary for affected tooth preservation.

A root canal treatment is a complex process that involves a number of steps and is performed by Dr. Carlo Goerens using a dental microscope:

  • Prior to beginning the actual root canal procedure the doctor will administer the appropriate anesthesia to ensure that you feel entirely comfortable throughout the procedure.
  • Opening is created.  Placement of a rubber dam on the tooth to keep it clean and dry. Then he creates an opening in the crown of the tooth to access the pulp.
  • Tooth is disinfected. With the assistance of high magnification, the specialist uses a combination of solutions and small instruments to remove the bacteria and debris.
  • Pulp is removed. The pulp is removed using specially designed instruments.
  • Canals are shaped and cleaned.  The doctor begins shaping and cleaning the canals.
  • Roots are filled. Next, the specialist then fills the canals with permanent root canal filling material.
  • Temporary filling. Lastly, the crown of the tooth is filled with a temporary filling.
root canal treatment
tooth isolation

For a number of reasons, previously treated root canals can sometimes fail to heal or become reinfected. Retreatment (or corrective root canal therapy) is the process of re-performing a root canal. It relieves symptoms and can save your tooth.
Causes for retreatment:

  • Complex canals. Sometimes an individual may have a curved or narrow canal or one complicated in its structure. That means that the doctor may not treat it during the initial procedure.
  • Delayed placement of restorations. If restorations are not placed within an appropriate amount of time following the initial root canal procedure, this can lead to canals becoming reinfected and needing additional treatment.
  • Improper placement of restorations. When a professional improperly places a restoration, saliva can sometimes contaminate the inside of the tooth.
  • Fractured restoration. Sometimes new decay can loosen the restoration and lead to a fracture on the restoration or tooth. A fracture exposes the tooth to a new infection.
  • Improper treatment. Improper treatment on the root canal system of the tooth during the first root canal can lead retreatment.
  • Foreign body. Sometimes during the initial root canal procedure a foreign body or object, such as a separated file, is left inside the tooth. This is very rare, but when it happens, retreatment is necessary.